1. What drew you to the Healing Cycle Foundation?
Ron Kassies always nagged me to participate as I was an active soccer Coach. My kids went to University and I found I finally had time to participate. Have participated each year since. I think it's 7 or 8 years now. I'm not sure. It's a great, forgotten about cause. It really takes you over once you get involved.
2. How many years have your ridden in the Healing Cycle Ride?
7 or 8 years now.
3. Why do you ride for hospice/palliative care in Ontario?
I have lost family members and friends who would have benefited by Palliative Care if it was available for them. I volunteer at Bethell Hospice and see the great work that they do there first hand.
4. Do you have a favourite memory from a previous Ride or do you have a fond memory of a hospice interaction you would be comfortable sharing?
I've always participated as part of the IPC Dream Team, but we associated our funds to Bethell Hospice and got to meet the Bethell Team at the event 2 years ago. It was great to meet them and have pictures taken. Also, I remember the help and support some of your volunteers provided me to get round the 100km course the first 2 years I rode. I remember how emotional I was when I finished the 2nd year. Thank you to your volunteers Bill and Clare (father and daughter team). The followed me to the end of my ride to make sure I was safe and got round.
Click Here to support Bill and the IPC Dream Team.